Black Arowana For Sale


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    Black Arowana For Sale are a long, flat, ray-finned (Actinopterygii) fish with huge eyes (which allow for excellent hunting accuracy), a silvery, stream-lined body with enormous scales, and attractive, tapered fins that fade from silvery to dark bluish-black with white to light pinkish to orange borders. As evolved predators, Black Arowana for sale have big, oblique mouths lined with small teeth rooted in their oral bones, which include their jaws, tongue, pharynx, and palate; they also have forked barbels on the tip of their bottom jaw, which are utilized to detect disturbances on the water’s surface.They are quite similar to the Silver Arowana, or the Black Arowana for sale with the exception of colors, attitude, a high resistance to “drop-eye,” and being a slimmer fish in respect to body depth.Black Arowana for sale are severe carnivores, however not very picky eaters. They can be fed a mix of specialized cichlid or Arowana pellets or flakes, as well as fresh, frozen, or live meat. Minnows, krill, ghost shrimp, huge insects, spiders, tubifex worms, and mealworms are all suitable food sources. Younger specimens should be fed two to three times per day, whereas adults should only be fed once. Feed them only what they can finish in three or five minutes. Place your orders and we shall deliver in real time


    8 – 10 inches, 10 -12 inches


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